
At AFRODESIAC WORLDWIDE GROUP we believe as global citizens it is imperative we contribute to our communities in a positive way. As such, we provides access to educational opportunities to girls and young women in Africa. By helping disenfranchised girls obtain an education we assist them in helping themselves.
AFRODESIAC WORLDWIDE along with BROWN SUGAR GH and our NGO, THE REVOLUTIONARY UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION is taking small steps towards helping create an educated society of empowered girls and future leaders.
Each purchase at AFRODESIAC WORLDWIDE and BROWN SUGAR GH contributes to our goal.

CIRCLE OF SISTERS provides Leadership training, mentoring, educational assistance, meals and emotional support to girls and young women in Ghana. The group provides access to books, reading comprehension classes, tutoring, monthly book club, field trips, literacy classes, reproductive education and career guidance seminars. We empower girls through education and the development of leadership skills.
We assist girls in developing strategies and social skills to nurture and support their emotional and social development. Circle of Sisters (COS) is proud of our culture of encouraging girls to take personal responsibility. We help girls grow in an affirming and supportive environment of high expectations, free from a punitive culture.
Visit our Circle of Sisters page to find out more

Essence Full Circle Day of Service, Ghana
"On day 7 of the ESSENCE Full Circle Festival, attendees participated in a Day of Service to the local Ghanaian community by spending the afternoon with various local non-profit organizations during five separately-themed experiences. Experience themes centered around youth empowerment, women’s health, education and empowerment for girls, entrepreneurship, the creative industry and leadership...
Among the experiences that came to life during the EFCF Day of Service was The Circle of Sisters."
Read the full article on

The best learning environment is one where girls are the sole focus of the learning, which allows them to develop their own voices. Girls flourish in learning settings in which they are provided with opportunities to learn using their preferred collaborative learning styles yet where they are also encouraged to develop a broad range of thinking and learning skills and strategies.
We are firmly committed to providing the best possible educational assistance and creative environment. Girls are encouraged to develop a life-long love of learning.
We help them to develop confidence, leadership skills, resilience and self-esteem in an environment which encourages respect for the individual, together with tolerance and understanding of others.